Our Staff


Valerie became our office manager in 2019, and she has been a great resource to our office. She handles all patient complaints and compliments!! If there is any issue that our office staff is unable to resolve for you, or if you have any specific comments, please speak to Valerie.



Fernanda is a certified ophthalmic technician and is our clinic manager and oversees all patient work-ups. She is responsible for executing all clinical affairs of our practice. She also welcomes all comments when our clinical staff is unable to resolve your needs.

Our Office Staff

Office Staff

We are proud of our office staff. They all take pride in their work. Despite the growing confusion, chaos, and complexity of delivering healthcare, our staff has the common goal of making your experience at our office as pleasant as possible.

Our Technicians


Our ophthalmic assistants, or “technicians”, see patients throughout the week. They are well trained and can answer many of your curiosities about the eye during your eye examination. They do their best to make your visit with your physician memorable.

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